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Online surveys

Online surveys and digital questionnaires for evaluating events

Professional evaluation of digital events

Walter Gropius once said that the architect must study the people who use a building. If he does not do this, he is only designing a beautiful thing that has nothing to do with the needs of the people who live and work in it. Organizers should take this idea as an example and study the people who participate in their events and explore their demands and needs. The easiest way to do this is with a simple online survey.

There are currently many Events in the digital space instead of. As a result of the corona pandemic, there are no personal encounters and therefore the mood and atmosphere of an event are also harder for organizers to read. So how is the necessary feedback catch up? In order to effectively evaluate an event, organizers must know how the format is received by participants. This is particularly essential in the current phase, in which new forms are being tried out and adjusted. How is the technical infrastructure running? Does the networking of digital content with analog care packages and material sent by post work? Do participants want more exchange and closed chat forums or an open bulletin board? Or do they need more video material? When do participants visit a digital event? Should retrieval times be flexible? Or work Exchange and networking Not anymore then. Questions after questions are linked to the new digital formats.

Die Evaluation Of course, digital events ideally also take place online. Access statistics provide initial information about the success and impact of a digital event. But to get specific feedback, a well-prepared online survey best. During or after the event, organizers can send their participants via e-mail or pop-up window to a digital questionnaire draw attention and to feedback ask. The online survey can be a short Sentiment query his or obtain event-specific information as a multi-step and complex online survey. Always tailored to the specific event and its participants.

If organizers want to draw particular attention to their online survey, they send their participants a postcard after the event with a QR code for the online survey. This ensures that the online survey does not disappear in the inbox without ever being opened. One timely evaluation directly after the event or a Interim survey During the event, the number of participants is also increasing.

It is important for organizers that complex online surveys can be designed flexibly and that comprehensive conditional logics can be easily integrated. Each organizer sets their own evaluation rules, chooses between single or multiple choice questions outputs and also outputs as required free text boxes on. What organizers need for a good evaluation meaningful answers and constructive feedback. Because that really helps them and is the first step towards an even better event next time.

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