AirLST has 294 years of professional experience. For 203 customers, we have organized over 5,000 events with over ten million participants from 112 countries. 10.8 TB of data were moved and 9.8 million lines of code were programmed. There is also time for 20 partners and 18 children on four continents. We speak twelve languages and certainly yours too. Any more questions?
Managing Director
Managing Director
Managing Partner
Managing Partner
Team Lead Project Management
Business Development
Project Manager
Project Manager
Project Manager
Project Manager
Sales Manager
Customer Success Manager
Art Director
Head of Development
Head of Product
Software Consultant
Fullstack Developer
Fullstack Developer
Fullstack Developer
Fullstack Developer
Fullstack Developer
Fullstack Developer
Fullstack Developer
Fullstack Developer
Frontend Engineer
Frontend Developer
Team Lead Frontend Development
Frontend Developer
Frontend Developer
Frontend Developer
Frontend Developer
Support Manager
Finance Manager
AirLST GmbH, based in Munich city center not far from the Eisbachwelle, has been an important partner on the event market since 2014 and supports its customers in the area of digital participant management and beyond. Regardless of whether it is a government meeting, the BMW dealer conference, the finale of Germany's Next Topmodel or the summer party at Munich Airport — everything from classic customer invitations and trade fairs to major events is in our colorful portfolio and is individually programmed for each customer.
A cloud-based, digital guest list means that you manage your participants via a central hub where all information converges. Hardly anyone comes without a guest list event planning off. The guest list is the core of an event. All potential guests are listed here, all Confections and cancellations The planning of the event location, catering, seating, etc. Even open events where the participants are not known by name, is often documented and based on the guest list and its scope, there is often an additional guest list with special participants, employees, VIPs, friends, relatives.
Sign up now - Sign up for the free AirLST product webinar on June 15, 2024 at 15:00
Sign up now - Sign up for the free AirLST product webinar on June 15, 2024 at 15:00