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The AirLST solution for virtual events

Plan virtual events with AirLST. Screen of a virtual event portal with live stream area, event statistics and chat window.

New feature

After almost four months of restrictions and bans on events, it is becoming apparent that events will only be held in compliance with strict requirements. At the same time, this means that hybrid event formats, which take place both virtually and analogously, are being further developed. Also perfect virtual events are increasingly in demand among organizers and companies.

Conferences, employee training, meetings and even trade fairs are now presented and held as virtual events. AirLST has also set every course for a reliable Full service platform for virtual events to realize. In recent months, we have been able to set up a functioning infrastructure for digital live events and integrate it into our processes. With AirLST, you can now Live streams of keynotes, discussions and training videos by adding the event landing page to Event portal is being rebuilt. Am Info counter Visitors will find an overview of booked events and the foyer Can then virtual spaces be visited with various functions. Here, all event participants of the virtual events have features such as Meeting rooms, chat windows, and digital white boards so that the goals of an originally planned analog event can also be achieved digitally.

AirLST now offers a holistic platform, about both virtual events and the entire Participant management can be processed. As usual, invitations are sent by email and the registration of guests is processed via the event portal. Workshops or satellite events are now taking place in virtual meeting rooms instead and can be followed via live streams. All guests receive a link to event page and log in on the day of the event. All pre-produced content can be integrated on the event page and shown in parallel with the live streams. Visitors can not only ask the speakers questions via a chat function, but also exchange ideas with each other and online discussions start.

Regain planning security and shape innovations

In this way, our customers regain their planning security. Interactions between participants, business transactions, training courses or information events can now be organized and handled completely digitally and, as virtual events, these events are also no longer threatened by short-term cancellations or new requirements. The new formats also promote active participation from event participants, because virtual events and interactive tools require active and visible participation of guests. Organizers get feedback on their virtual events via digital surveys one that will be sent to the guest during or after the event. The survey tool can also be used for Real-Time Voting used when, for example, an annual meeting is planned. In this case, too, all representatives register via the platform. As soon as the voting is in progress, the questions and the answer options are displayed on the screen one after the other and at the same time for all participants. This also turns general meetings into virtual events.

As with any physical event, the virtual rooms are tailored entirely to the requirements of the specific virtual events. Do you need small conference rooms where specialist groups can retreat? No problem to digitally display them, allow a limited number of participants and equip the room with online white boards for joint brainstorming. Both voice and chat communication can be integrated into these rooms so that nothing stands in the way of smooth communication.

Even the Involving partners and sponsors is easily possible for virtual events. Images of logos, sponsorship rooms, contact areas and the integration of short brand videos can be integrated into the event platform. Transforming analog events into virtual events is child's play with the right platform and professional support and can be an additional added value offer. In particular in the area of Event statistics Virtual events have a decisive advantage over traditional event formats. Because it has never been so easy to track participants and their visit and get their feedback. Virtual events are therefore particularly easy to adapt to the needs and concerns of participants and organizers and offer a large flexibility in their design.
It is therefore increasingly apparent how the current restrictions and requirements also promote innovation. It is a time of active trial and error, in which both organizers and participants can actively participate, design and interact to design and shape events as they need and want them.

Attendee management and virtual events

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